

"现成物品的艺术" Exhibition Information

$3,000 in Cash Prizes for Students & 老师!

Deadline for all art to be turned in: Saturday, March 16, 2024, 9:00 AM

Art teachers who shopped at 立博中文版 Ocean Bank Center for Educational Materials (OBCEM) 特别艺术区要求 至少要提交 两个 〇艺术品 TEACHER, STUDENT, or GROUP to the "现成物品的艺术” Exhibition in order to continue receiving materials.

We cannot guarantee that your work will be selected; however, 如果选择, it will be on public display for thousands of people to view from April to May. 所有的工作都受到损害. Winning art will appear in a color catalog.

All artwork can be submitted online now, a photo of the artwork is required, as well as a teacher signature. 
Please read the packet c是fully before submitting artwork.

For more detailed information and to submit artwork online, please click the button below.